evolvedMD Resources

Elevating Our Therapists: Nurturing Growth and Excellence

Written by Evan Sakrison | Sep 26, 2023 5:25:28 PM

An urgent call for change echoes through the hearts of therapists across the United States: They’re facing career stagnation with no clear signs of overcoming it. It’s left many wondering if there’s a way to reignite their passion and continue growing.

At evolvedMD, we’ve heard this concern from many of our therapists coming from various mental health settings. Their yearning for meaningful change motivates us to lead a people-centric culture that puts our clinicians first and foremost.

One area of focus is their personal and professional growth. That’s why, in 2023, we partnered with evidence-based education experts Psych Hub to help our therapists learn, grow, and thrive.

Nurturing Growth and Excellence

The heart of our partnership lies in the shared belief that therapists, like any working professional, are at their best when they are challenged and continually growing.

Psych Hub’s platform is renowned for its rich educational resources, granting our therapists exclusive access to training resources to learn the latest evidence-based techniques.

In other words, for therapists who may have felt stuck in their careers, our partnership with Psych Hub is an opportunity to create transformative change for both themselves and their patients.

A Robust Library of Opportunity

Psych Hub’s extensive library covers a diverse range of evidence-based courses and content for both recent graduates and seasoned mental health practitioners alike. Here are just a few examples of what therapists can learn:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) – Diving deep into the principles of CBT and how to help patients identify and challenge negative thought patterns.
  • Suicide Prevention – Addressing mental health crises such as suicidal ideation quickly, efficiently, and compassionately.
  • Trauma-Informed Care (TIC) – Creating safe and supportive environments for patients with a history of trauma.
  • Cultural Competence – Working effectively with diverse populations, acknowledging and respecting cultural differences to achieve improved clinical outcomes.
  • Age-specific Care – Learning how to tailor specific treatments to specific populations from early childhood to the elderly.

Real-World Practice

What sets Psych Hub apart from other solutions of its caliber is its commitment to applying what’s learned to real-life practice. For example, an evolvedMD therapist can:

  • Take a course on CBT and introduce what they learned about exposure therapy to help their patient confront their fear of crowds.
  • Follow scenario-based video instructions to better support providers in intervening with patients at risk of suicide.
  • Understand more efficient screening processes and shorter treatment periods to positively change and save lives.

Of course, Psych Hub’s training materials and courses are regularly updated to reflect the latest research and best practices, ensuring evolvedMD’s therapists stay at the forefront of the behavioral health field.

Altogether, Psych Hub is not just an education platform; it’s a catalyst for growth and excellence. It empowers our therapists to not only learn about the latest best practices but also to apply this knowledge to transform the lives of their patients and the communities we serve.


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